My cousin has a bad towing story, as well. Her and her husband got t-boned by a truck that was racing to get through a yellow, but ended up running the red (had to have been doing at least twice the limit, given where my cousin's truck ended up). No serious injuries, but they had to use the jaws of life to get my cousin out. Anyway, the tow company took his truck to the lot, which is where the trouble starts.

A minor bit of background: my cousin's husband has had a double lung transplant due to cystic fibrosis (so fill in your organ donor cards, everyone -- it matters!), so he has to take a *ton* of medication.

All of his medication (including the inhibitors that keep him from rejecting his lungs) happened to be in the truck, which got towed. He went to the lot *that night*, and told the guy "I need to get my meds from the truck." The wrecking lot owner wouldn't let him get his medication! He had to argue with the guy for about half an hour, before he was reluctantly let in. Given the events of the night, he wasn't thinking too clearly, so he grabbed his meds, and went home.

The next day, he realized that he'd left his tool bag (he's an apprentice electrician) in the truck, which he needed for work. Back to the lot he goes. Once again, the owner didn't let him in without a *lot* of hassle -- I think he had to resort to threatening to call the cops and his lawyer. When he managed to get in this time? bag of tools is gone, along with a few grand worth of audio equipment.

Fortunately, he had reciepts for the latter, so there's a lawsuit pending. :-P

Sometimes people suck.