
My empeg only works when I connect it at my stereo at home, in the car (Audi A6 maybe this is the problem) it has never worked.
That's why I went to the car audio specialist because I knew several filters existed but I didn't have them at home to do testing.
The guy at the shop experimented with this Dietz 660 filter and finally he could make my empeg work together with the extra wire as mentioned before.
But before buying these filters (I need two of them) I informed Empeg support because the guy at the shop assumed a problem with the Empeg player.
About the filter I've written down what I could find on it's case and that's the only thing I know about it :
Dietz 660
f= 20Hz-38kHz.
I could make a phone call tomorrow to find out more details.

Because I heard that American amplifiers work on another principle than European amplifiers I bought a second amplifier the Phoenix Gold QX 4040. Before, I used a Magnat Classic 170 (German). But the noise stayed the same.

