Enjoyed the movie a lot, BTW, but also curious as to whether opinion varies by sex and age. Do you have to be over 30? 40? to enjoy?

I went with my mother to see it. I'm in my mid-twenties, she's in her mid-fifties. She really enjoyed it as she and my father are big wine fans. They spent their honeymoon in Napa, and even know the manager of Coppola's Napa vineyard. In that respect she enjoyed the movie a lot more than I did.

As a person who loves movies (and dislikes alchohol of any type), however, I merely appreciated the wine parts of the movie, but loved the movie its self. I'm a huge Paul Giamatti fan, and thought he did a fantastic job. I think he should have gotten an Oscar nomination.

I personally thought the end was just how it should be, and how I imagine it would have in real life. ***SPOILERS*** Thomas Hayden Church's character loves his new wife, but will (without a doubt) cheat on her. That's just his nature. Madsen and Giamatti's characters had a genuine connection, and I think she realized that he doesn't have it all together, and didn't condone what his friend was doing. I think it's something she thought they could get past, and that it was worth it to do so. I think it was a good ending.***END SPOILERS***

The way I see it, Sideways appeals to a certain generation like Garden State appeals to mine, although I tend to think that the latter is more about a generation than about a few people, but maybe people from the Sideways generation relate more to these guys than I think.