Not sure if this one is down to tRio to Jreceiver. The pattern matching used in SQL queries can produce some interesting results. For instance, if on my receiver I select by artist and choose "Pink", I'll get a list of albums/tracks both by "Pink" and by "Pink Floyd". Choosing "Pink Floyd" gives me only Pink Floyd albums and tracks. Similarily selecting "ABBA" will give both "ABBA" and "Black Sabbath". (I know, strange mp3 collection!)

My limited knowledge of SQL makes me suspect that tRio is issuing a query along the lines of 'select * from artist where name like "%pink%"'. Dropping the %% enclosing %pink% would prevent Pink and Pink Floyd from being returned.

I'm guessing it's tRio that's responsible for the query but I can't find anything obvious in trio.xml that could control this.

Is it something that can be fixed easily?

