I think i know the answer already (no), but will the new service offered by Napster provide downloads that will playback on the Empeg?
As far as I understand it, definately no, as they're DRM-encumbered (and the empeg doesn't support it) and will cease to be playable (even on platforms that has the support) if you end your prenumeration... That's how I've understood it from the coverage on /. and The Register...
Don't know if they'll allow burning to [audio]CD and thus be rerippable/reencodeable to standard (DRM-less) mp3 format. which of course leaves things like TotalRecorder or a soundcard Out->In wire... Still, all of course means quality losses due to the reencoding.
Unless someone breaks the DRM system used - and dares distribute it...
Edited by mtempsch (09/02/2005 12:28)