I am astonished - close to Ray Harryhausen in vintage, and in innovation - all done on a shoestring. Yet you've never heard of him - and you worked at ILM? Apparently, GL watched these (and James Cameron, amazingly enough) for ideas!

I would recommend "The Clangers" on DVD which is the most easily accessible stuff. The first time you see it, you will either fall over laughing in disbelief, or - more likely - you will be captivated by the images he has put onto the screen, and wonder at the fact that they were being produced just before Eagle landed at Tranquility.

If there is interest, then let me know and I will arrange for a viewing at the empeg meet in the Summer - yet another reason to come to the party

PS We have this guy to thank for Wallace and Grommit and Chicken Run from Aardman Animations - Nick Park (twice an Oscar winner for animation - see various Pixar movies for "quotes") was apparently also inspired by his work in stop-motion.