PIM thanks for all your help. i am currently putting together a guide to help those who were like me and dont know where to start.

I have rsync and mp3tofid working great thanks to you.

However my next question is. Is it possible to have a script on your local mp3 machine that runs mp3tofid and then sends a command that executes the rsync script on your empeg.

This way you wont have to run mp3tofid on your local mp3 machine. Then log into your empeg and run the rsync script.

It would be nice to have one script to run on your local mp3 machine.

I know that you would need rsh on the empeg and the local mp3 machine. Im not exactly sure where to get rsh for the empeg from.
Or what kind of script i would run. Do you have any experience setting this up or could give me assistance on doing so.

If thats not possible is it possible to run a cronjob on the empeg.
So i can have it periodically rsync.

Edited by kendrick (23/02/2005 06:00)