Here's a reply I posted on another forum:

I think the quoted price of $300M may be a little too high for TiVo's current worth, but if anyone can do something with that brand and technology, it's Apple. As a matter of fact, I'd speculate that Apple is the ONLY company that can take TiVo and turn it into more than just a household name - they can actually put one in (additional) millions of households.

It's getting close to the right time for Apple to make a move like this. If you look at the MP3 market, they took their sweet time with the iPod, but there's no arguing they struck within a near-perfect window. A deal like this would not have made much sense two years ago - though TiVo has been around since 1999, the concept was still far too alien for most consumers. It's all starting to really move along now with more competing platforms than you can shake a stick at. Microsoft is making good inroads with MCE as well.

Apple has demonstrated it has the sex-appeal factor with both the iPod and Mini, not to mention its notebook line. It would take them a while before they could deploy a new solution on top of MacOS, but this type of acquisition would surely buy them a lot of IP beyond simple recording and database management. TiVo has some content protection IP already and has definitely done some work to meet mandates for broadcast flag and other HD (protection) initiatives. Apple has been silent on these issues as they had been on so many before. So many where they instantly gained a leg up through acquisition. DVD playback, DVD burning, DVD authoring, MP3 playback, Video Editing, Motion Effects...

I think it's a great fit. What perfect way to leverage the video technology (H.264) they're currently leading the pack with? I have no idea if it will happen, but I'm hoping it will. I think this can do great things for the TiVo brand (or rebrand) and that market segment in general. I'm sure a few things TiVo fans really like now might change or go away, but that's better than the whole company sliding off the face of the Earth - which is more probability than mere possibility without a buyout in the next 12 months.

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