I don't buy much that would be considered popular anymore so it's not hard to buycott labels that are RIAA members. Most of the bands that I like that are popular broke up long ago and I got all their albums before there were mp3s. I think there are more bands on small labels that aren't RIAA members than ones that are. If you only listen to mainstream radio stations they only play stuff from RIAA member labels. I do buy a few albums from RIAA members (latest weird al for instance)but most of them are not.
I don't really like online music stores except for finding new bands I like getting the actual cds instead. Like before the emusic change over I would download a bunch of stuff and when I founds bands I liked I would buy the cds. The new Napster to go service sounds great because I can fill a portable mp3 player and try out all the music they have at least music for 15 dollars a month. Someone just needs to make a decent player that supports it

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It's sure not any of these )