These folks sell the d springs that fits a d shaft that you could sleeve over the shaft.

If you wanted to go the shim route, I've seen this done for old radios so it may work for the Mk2 but I have not tried it.

Get a pair of tin snips, 2 pair needle nose pliers, and a few large binder clips. Not quite spring steel but close. Use the snips to cut a 1/4" wide by 1" piece of binder clip. Holding the metal in one set of pliers, use the other pair to wind the metal around the pliers. You're looking for a "G" shape. You'll have to experiment with the size of the D in the center. Trim the outer ring to size. Then squeeze your d spring into the knob and slide the knob on the shaft. If you want to 'barb' the tail of the G, it should help hold when rotating.