One of the big advantages of an Empeg is plain ease of use, I get in my car and turn it on, and the music starts playing, I turn it off and the music stops. No need to worry about what the player is doing or having to make sure to turn it on and off every time I get in. And as others have mentioned, the controls are very nice... if you get a Sony stalk (if you can find one) or other steering wheel remote it gets even easier.
Well, my listening style would be such that I keep every album in a folder of its own.
Yeah, that used to be me too, and when am I at home that is still how I listen to my MP3s, but the Empeg has really changed how I listen to music in the car, and having 4000 of your favorite songs set on random is excedingly cool, like a radio station that only plays what you like and with fewer repeats and no commercials.
Ninti - MK IIa 60GB Smoke, 30GB, 10GB