-- running orders (Eg. down-down-down shuffles) of up to 43648 fids, which should now survive reboots with this fix.

It's actually not quite as simple a calculation as that. Each bookmark, including the saved running order, saves both the shuffled and unshuffled order. So the space taken up is 512 bytes, plus 8 bytes per distinct fid (i.e. 8 times the length of the shuffled running order), plus 4 bytes per appearance of each fid (i.e. 4 times the length of the unshuffled running order). Calculations based on "12 bytes per fid" are only accurate if each fid appears in only one playlist. If each fid appears in an average of two playlists, it's 16 bytes per fid -- three playlists, 20 bytes per fid, and so on.
