In Rob Galbraith's CF database, check out the Canon 1D(s) Mk II, as they take both SD and CF, so you can see the speed difference. Unless you're shooting sports with an expensive camera, you're probably not going to notice anyways.
Neat, I hadn't spotted that before.
It shows that there isn't much difference in speed anyway. The CF cards top out at 8MB/sec and the SD cards at 8.6MB/sec.
There is something very odd if you look at Rob's results where he uses a card reader and a Mac. The CF cards then top out at 12.9MB/sec whereas the SD cards only reach 7.9MB/sec. I guess the SD reader just isn't as good as it could be (despite the fact that he says it is the fastest SD reader he has found).
The CF cards show a huge variance, where some top out at 12.9MB/sec others are managing only 2MB/sec.
All very impressive though compared to my CF cards in my Canon 10D, which manage a heady speed of about 1.1MB/sec 
(which all goes to show that card speed really isn't the most important factor, as the 10D is the fastest camera I have ever used)
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday