Ok, I know I mentioned these guys in an earlier thread, but that was just knowing a couple of their tunes. I bought the CD and I have to say, I am totally amazed. This is some of the best music I’ve heard, ever.

Unless hearing a fiddle causes a gag reflex, you should check them out. Their music is hard to describe, but comes across sort of like progressive/Celtic/folk/rock/bluegrass. The CD I got “Casualties of Retail” is about half instrumental and half with vocals. Both are great- their vocals use lots of harmonies and their instrumentals have some complex patterns, including non-standard meters likes 7/8. Their typical instrumentation is guitar, bass, drums, fiddle, and bagpipes, though they also have some other stuff in there too (such as Latin percussion and a harmonica).

I know I have tastes that are probably different from many, but I can’t imagine not liking this stuff. This is one of the first times I’ve ever heard a bagpipe and enjoyed it (yes, I have a personal bias against bagpipes for some strange reason).

Anyway, they’re independent so I figured I’d do my part by posting here. And since they’re from Canada and I don’t know what the exchange rates are, I should note you can get their CD from buy.com (it took me some searching to figure that out).

Edited by JeffS (11/03/2005 14:53)
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.