Firstly: I've finished the mix and its pages. You can find all that here.

The thing that depresses me here is that I can't see a way to change the system. You can't fight them, as they've made sure the law sides with them (by lobbying, paying sums of money to governments and other legal methods), and they have huge legal resources - literally tonnes of lawyers poring over every last loophole in the law so that there's no way you can argue with them. They can afford the $10,000/hr lawyers if need be. You can't.

You can't avoid them, or at least that's the impression they like to give. And internet searches being what they are, sooner or later they're going to work their way down the chain.

And yet the system they have set up is so patently unfair - they take your money in so many ways and no-one ever gets to find out where it goes. Most of the figures that anyone outside can glean indicate that only a tiny fraction of all the artists they allege to represent actually get any money from them at all, based on 0.1% of all radio time on popular radio stations. If you have anything to do with indie, alternative, dance or electronic music, your money does not go to the artists you bought. And there's no way to fight them on this - they aren't accountable to anyone but themselves.

I suggest everyone write to their government representatives telling them how unfair this is. I'm going to.

Have fun for a short while,

Owner of Mark I empeg 00061, now better than ever - (Thanks, Rod!) - and Karma 3930000004550