I don't think this has been asked, but a way to nest genres for more accurate searching would be a good thing...

For instance... I have a lot of files that come under the genre "Funk." This ends up being a pretty broad genre as it tends to include the "Funk Rock" stylings of the Red Hot Chili Peppers with the "Groovy Funk" of Galactic. A fun, if sometimes harsh mix... If there was a way, perhaps in Emplode, to create our own "Genre trees" we could choose the style of music with a higher granularity... as specific as one would want to take the time to create?

And don't get me started on my "Alternative" collection...

Brian H. Johnson
MK2 36GB Blue
"Born to Lose..."
Brian H. Johnson
MK2 36GB Blue, currently on life support
"RIP RCR..."