I was trying to use the builder image 2 to format and prepare my empeg, and i am having some problems with it. It goes through the formats ok, and then it starts the stress tests.

I noticed in TFabris's post that he said after waiting a decent amount of time, you can cancel the stress test... well here is my prob(s):

When the empeg boots it says "Builder Image, Drive(s) already appear to be built.

You can then continue anyway, or skip to shell. I have tried both with no luck.

The farthest i can get with the builder image is the stress test, which i let run about 2.5 hours.

How do i quit the stress test?

What am i doing wrong here? I know this is probably some serious newbie stuff, and i appreciate the help. Yo should know that beyond navigation, file copy and a few other basics, i do NOT know unix/linux in any way shape or form.

Thanks guys, i am getting really annoyed over here