I have thought about Palm, but I've never liked the design of Palm devices before. I never could understand why they'd take up all that space with a permanent writing area instead of one you could bring up if you wanted to.

The Tungsten T3 and T5 both have a DIA (dynamic input area), as well as many Sony Clie devices and the Tapwave Zodiac.

Edit: Forgot to mention that all these devices also do landscape mode, the Tapwave is even natively landscape.

The thing is, I haven't seen a resource that has described the process to use the T608 as a modem with a Palm. There is a step-by-step out there for the PPC, but not Palm. If someone here knows how you would set up a modem over bluetooth with a Palm, I may consider one (without that permanent writing space).

Here is one maybe not specifically for your phone, but there are other resources listed in this sticky post on brighthand.com (a good resource for either PPC or Palm PDA users).

Edited by cushman (04/04/2005 15:40)
Mark Cushman