no worries

Are they red like they're bloodshot, that is, you can see a web of veins, or are they solid red?

Its more of a webby redness than solid redness -- that would be just plain scary. The weirdest thing though, to me at least, is the fact that it is only the bottom half of each eye.

It could also be a sign of high blood pressure. The capilaries in the eyes are really quite fragile. I don't suppose you've been sneezing a lot? This can burst vessels, too.

I actually havn't been sneezing a lot, but I do have a history of high bp.

cat hair on my pillow did cause a condition with my eye for about 4 days.

Man that sucks Tom. I didn't know a persons allergies could fluctuate that much.

I've attached a photo of my eye at its worse.


I'mana go see the doc on Monday. I'd also just like to say here that HMO's blow.