The Buffalo Technologies

I should have been clearer -- as I pointed out to Paul's reply -- I'm not looking for SAN or NAS solutions -- there's about 1TB already in my Linux box, and I don't need any more. What I'm looking for is a good way to back it all up.

Now, at the moment, there's only about 150Gb used, but when I finish ripping my music collection, there'll be about 600Gb. When I get my MythTV box working, this'll go up, and then I'll start looking at NAS.

So, I'm looking at an initial backup of around 200Gb, right now. This'll go up by about 10Mb a day for email, and about 20Gb a week, as I rip more CDs. The music collection is relatively static, but there will definitely be bouts of tagging involved -- I'm not quite as good at doing it up front as some people.

More downsides to disks in removable trays is that:
1. I'd have to purchase enough trays, and then spend time with a screwdriver.
2. I've been looking around, and can't find a suitable external, removable, SATA drive enclosure.

So, I'm still leaning towards the external SCSI tape drive option.
-- roger