it was more the scene that surrounds it rather than the activity itself that put me off. The kit is quite expensive too, and seeing one bloke shatter his ankle and having to drive him to the hospital and then watch him having his ankle boot cut off didn't help either.
Yeah, I can totally understand that. I've seen my share of injuries just from kiting (don't be too surprised!) so I know the order of magnitude of injuries goes way up on gliders. I've even been reading all of the accident reports trying to see if it freaks me out too much, but so far so good.
It's all about mitigating and managing the risk to a point where if something happens... it happens because of bad luck. Most errors seem to be on the meat side of the glider and from taking a risk or not knowing what the person was getting into. Attitude is a big deal in high risk sports.
As for the kit price... yeah. The lessons for p2 cert look like they'll be around $1400, and luckily I know an Ozone rep personally so I think I'll be able to get a glider for wholesale if I get that into it. Bye bye tax return.