If you're desperate, I've set up an #empeg channel on Freenode.
That brings us to tonight's Top Ten list...
Top 10 Repercussions of Today's #empeg Outage
10. rjf spent all day on hold with his ISP, cursing them out profusely.
9. wfaulk set up another #empeg in a parallel universe (well, on another server, anyway) because IRC is more enjoyable than doing real work.
8. Anya silently yearned for phoo's return, so he could fulfill her sexual needs, which are unmet by her owner.
7. Heather hasn't noticed yet, because she's spent all day playing with the South Park character generator.
6. dbrashear continued hating everyone and everything as usual, but was forced to share his hatred on Zephyr instead.
5. tman went on with his life and got pissed at the pub, because that's what English blokes do when bad things happen.
4. andy upgraded his Mac Mini's memory, and was disappointed to find it's still slower than his G5.
3. l0ser, needing advice on how to deal with chicks, grabbed a flower and played "she loves me, she loves me not." Strangely, at the end, his conclusion was "she wants in the butt."
2. ricin, undaunted, telnetted to localhost:echo, who was happy to listen to his meaningless drivel without kicking him.
1. tonyc posted a stupid top ten list to the BBS, because, as mentioned, it beats working.