Hi guys,
I've got a 1.8 ghz athlon PC here that I'm attempting to bring back to life. This machine was rather negelcted for a while and was used by (shudder), children.
The problem is that the computer turns on when I press power, however the monitor gets no signal. The monitor shows that same message it does when not connected to a PC and turned on. I opened it up and checked the video card -- its connections and everything else seemed fine there.
When i hit the switch, the machine turns on and all the mobo fans are spinning, but there are no beeps. I don't hear any activity from the hard drive either other than right when i press power. Don't really know where to go from here.
Its a pretty standard computer. Athlon XP, ~768mb ram, geforce vid card, Win XP. It worked great back in the day, I just havn't touched it for a while and recently found a new use for it. Any tips?