After loosing my rag with the old TFT this morning while trying to edit the holiday photos, I checked Aria's website, they have the Dell on offer today for £399.95, so I jumped in the car and went and got one...

I paid the extra for the dead pixel check, don't know why I bothered really as there is one very dim blue pixel stuck on, I only notice it on a fully balck screen, and even then the room has to be quite dark to see it, I haven't yet decided what I am going to do, I'm not sure if I can be bothered to go through the whole returns thing, I can see why they didn't spot it, they would have to check it in a darm room to see it.

One thing that bugs me is that PnP only seems to work with once PC/mac input and one video, so you can't have DVI and DSub at the same time on the screen, I am sure I have seen this done, as yet I can't figure out how, the option is greyed out?



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