peer to peer with the main schedule file stored on the server in a place that can be accessed by multiple parties.
Groove. It's a P2P collaboration program which works *without* servers (clearly, P2P). It gives multiple parties access to "the main schedule file", contact lists, file sharing, discussion pages, document review, project management, simple database forms, and many many custom tools.
I've had my hands in this program for years now and it's really nice. Quirky at times, but since it was recently bought out by Microsoft, things should get.... um..... Download your copy now and don't upgrade no matter what the say. 
It's got a free preview edition to let you try it for a month or three. Licenses are cheap. Setup time is minimal because it's simplified to be a "zero IT solution" (so average users can set it up and maintain it).
At last check, it's a resource hog and needs a beefy machine to run. Also, keep an eye on it. Since it stores changes incrementally while synchronizing with other users, you may end up with 500meg to a gig of *stuff* on your drive after 6 months or so. Easy enough to fix; create a new work space and move all your content to it, deleting the old workspace.
If you have any overview questions, feel free to ask them here.... if this is what you're looking for, anyway.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens,
Greenlights Lit Buttons green set