Since my memory board will be installed soon, I'll finally have to say goodbye to software version 1.03 which I've so tortuously forced to work with HiJack, jemplode, and others. I finally have to use 2.0 final, finally benefitting from all the cool features, but still bothered by a few little UI implementations:

My first run with 2.0 final led to this exhaustative UI thread. I realized how to work with most of the things mentioned there, but I can't get past the randomness in the Info menu, Visuals menu, and Repeat menu (read the thread for all the info).

I think someone said it wouldn't be hard to fix these few things (I can't stand to reread such a self serving thread). Probably harder now with the branches in the source tree. Reegardless, could this be fixed for a price, payable by me? A rough topic in the past, I know, and I'm not intending to set a dollar value precident for the kind empeg gurus who still access the code.

Just thought I'd ask again. Or maybe emphatic will allow me to bypass this entirely. With the memory board and 2.0 final installed, I guess I'll find out.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set