I did have ttsclock running with an @EXEC_ONCE but that was the first thing I disabled and besides, I've had that running for 3 years without this problem.

Before I start to do a manual rebuild, I can check for the database, tags, and playlist files and they are not there. That's why all of the RM commands, evey one of them come back with an error. This is before I manually rebuild. I can just do a rwm, exit, q, rom, exit without doing any RM commands and the manual rebuild goes through and fixes everything. I can then check for the files and they are there. The player then works normally unitil the next sync. What ever is making the player reboot right in the middle of the sync is what's causing the problem. Emplode doesn't know that the player rebooted and goes down to the next command in the sync which is "Writing player configuration...". This eventually times out and Emplode crashes. The same thing pretty much happens in jEmplode too. The player is rebooting way before it's supposed to. It reboots before Emplode even writes the config file back to the player. This sll happened after a deleting some songs and a failed sync with jEmplode.

I have a 2nd player that works fine. When I sync it with Emplode, the "Rebuilding database" section of Emplode takes much longer and the player doesn't reboot until Emplode tells it to at the very end of the sync. I have not fid sifted on the player that works and have fid sifted on the player that will not sync properly. Could that have caused some sort of error?


Edited by JeffreyB (11/05/2005 10:11)