I sold my GPS V and got a Garmin Quest and don't regret it for a second. The Quest is a huge upgrade over the V. The screen is amazing. 128mb memory was enough to hold my cross country route from SF to Louisiana through Colorodo, and back through Texas. The GPS V's memory and speed are huge limitations. It takes FOREVER to calculate a route. With the Quest, I can hop in my car, turn it on, enter waypoint, and 5-10 seconds later it's ready to route. The V used to take up to 5 minutes. With all the other options out there, I can't recommend the V to anyone... it's just outdated, has way to little memory, and is cludgy. If you can find one cheap and are on a budget, it's definitely a good little GPS, but if you can afford it, I think the extra hundred you'd spend on a Quest or other would be well worth it.

Cons on the Quest: not expandable, less rugged, built in battery (doesn't bother me as it lasts 10+ hours)

Edited by loren (14/05/2005 16:21)
|| loren ||