Well, in those few sentences in Amazon blurbs and first two or three panels they have there I didn't find anything innacurate (within the limits of poetic license). More when my copy arrives.

I was in Zagreb then (early 1992); we followed developments in Bosnia closely (and I visited Sarajevo later and spoke to many people there). Croatia just gained international recognition (one third of it still occupied, but with unstable ceasefire somehow more or less holding).

Ervin's return to Sarajevo illustrates belief of many Bosnians that they could avoid the war if they don't provoke Serbs (which included, for example, turning a blind eye to months of "Yugoslav People's Army" artillery bombardment of Croatian towns on Sava river from their teritory). They were wrong, of course...

The book's introduction says: "In 1945, we told the world, "Never again". In 1992, the promise was broken into bloody shards. That was the year the war broke out in Sarajevo, Bosnia, the year that genocide revisited the planet." But the massacre in Vukovar, siege of Dubrovnik, "ethnic cleansing" of occupied parts of Croatia had already happened. And, sadly, they were not the first post WWII genocides. But, it is understandable that everybody sees the world from one's own perspective.

Interesting, I find it quite difficult to remember dates or precise sequence of events from that decade.
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