Um...this is new. I woke up yesterday unable to taste. I'm really hoping someone here might be able to help before my appointment with my doctor (well, one of his residents, at least) tomorrow.

Basically, after some testing, I've determined that I am unable to taste anything on the top of my tongue. I can taste anything in the rest of my mouth, so it seems the sides and tip of my tongue are working fine. I have not lost my sense of smell, and I don't have a cold that I know of I don't think I ate anything too out of the ordinary, but the last thing I ate on Monday night was a PB&J sandwich made with peanut butter that was way out of date.

I know this is a very weird post, but I'm somewhat freaking out here. I'm definitely not a hypochondriac, so I'm not making this up. In fact, I probably tell myself I'm fine when I might have a cold. This is the first time that I've been a little weirded out because I have no explanation for it.

Is there someone here that can help?