I used to live there, but sadly, I can't remember it well enough to be able to recommend much of anything.

Two things I've been having a hankering for though:
New York Subway -- it's a tiny hole-in-the-wall place on the north side of Queen Street and Portland (just east of Bathurst). It has a yellow sign, and is a few doors down from a photo lab (which I also recommend).
A decent gyros from the Danforth. I can't remember the name of the place I used to frequent, and Google maps doesn't have the satellite images for me to look at.

It's off of Danforth, between Broadview, and Pape. It's another hole in the wall joint, of course. I recall that there was a low circular fountain in the square outside the shop.
Depending on when you're travelling, there's a festival on the Danforth that has some killer Greek food. There's also the Pride Parade at the end of this month, I think, that's a hoot to watch.
I don't really have any clubs to recommend. The one I went to most often (which isn't saying much) is a basement dive. Naturally, I don't remember the name of it (Area 51, I think), but if you tell the cabbie to take you to "For Your Eyes Only", he'll get you there. It's a few doors west of the strip club. There's also System Soundbar, as well, which was really good, but had a bit of a steep cover, IMHO.
After dancing, you can head up to Chinatown on Spadina -- there are a *ton* of Chinese restaurants that are open late-night. Otherwise, there's always a hotdog cart, which can be a bit hit-or-miss in terms of cleanliness.
For other stuff to do, check out
eye weekly -- it's a freebie newspaper filled with stuff to do. That'll have a good list of clubs, as well.
I'd recommend staying west of Sherbourne, or east of Broadview at night, unless you're into scoping out the seedier side of life.
If you're staying local to downtown Toronto, then the easiest way to get around is by streetcar/subway.
Hope that helps.