Where can I find the complete list of changes from V2 final to V3 alpha 8?

There isn't one. V3 came from a fork of an early beta branch of V2 before it went final. In fact, it contains many V2-beta bugs that have since been fixed in V2 final, but still exist in V3. The one thing I'd really love to see is a diff of the empeg bugtracking database between the day of that tree split and V2 final, so I could know exactly what bugs to check for in V3, so we could know what got fixed since then and what didn't. We don't have that, unfortunately.

I should note that so much was overhauled from that V2 branch to V3, that even such a list would be mostly non-useful. They ripped out large portions of the underlying code and replaced them with new stuff. The new stuff is what allowed things like FLAC playback and so on, and served as the basis for the Karma playback engine.

I believe V3 supports FLAC. Given a stock RioCar player without expanded RAM am I going to be able to play files encoded with FLAC


and will the hard drive ever spin down?


how is pca's RAM expansion board working out?

Not sure on that one. Don't know if anyone's been reporting on success or failure yet, he only just recently got a few out the door.