We ended up killing the original order and, eventually, reordering when the TabletPCBuzz crowd started seemed to be actually getting their orders. We got it maybe two weeks after ordering. So far, I'm loving this machine. The smaller battery still gets almost three hours of life when doing wireless web surfing. The bigger battery, at least for now, is sitting on my desk unused.
The fingerprint reader really does work. Nice toy, but not serious.
The tablet aspects are fantastic. When I was on the road and I needed to fill out some stupid PDF form, I "printed" it to Windows Journal, marked up, and "printed" it back to PDF for email. Nice.
Right now, the mystery to me is how to properly configure the power management stuff. I want the screen to automatically go dim when I'm on battery and then go to full brightness when plugged in. IBM has this "power manager" gizmo. I've set it to the "power source optimized" scheme, which in theory does what I want. However, the screen brightness seems not to be sensitive to anything that I set here. Any thoughts on how to fix this?