I wonder who is going to sue Microsoft when some terriost uses their software to distribute their beheading videos via the internet, or who is going to sue the liberals hero, Al Gore, for inventing the internet, as he stated he did that makes all this litigation crap possible. Or printers for printing ransom notes, or...yep, you know where this is going...to the gun manifactures for making firearms....or who will sue God, bec ause I still believe that guns don't kill people, people kill people.
Man! You can take this last court thing pretty far....
But after all, you can thank Sandra Day oConner for a lot of the swing votes....you talk about ballance? You mean there was ballance under Jimmy Carter? BillyBob Clinton? Heck even Kennedy was trying to go to war (remember Bay of Pigs?) Sheesh! Too early to get the blood pressure up...