I'm outraged by this and I hope more people are too. I'm a developer and builder and think this is a pile of crap. Anyone who supports this will regret it one day. You may have a lot of pull with the city today, but eventually, a bigger, stronger developer is going to come your way. It's bad enough that the government can tell you what you can and can't do with your own land, now they can just take it!
What's curious is that the
left wing radio shows I listen to decry this as a win for the "Walmarts" (rolling eyes) of the world and say this is simply a by-product of the rich people in America buying politicians while the
right-wing radio stations are outraged that this is yet another win for the "big government" agenda and libs who want to redistribute wealth (and land).
Can't we (I'm not pointing fingers at anyone) for a moment stop assuming that just because something "bad" happened that your political opponents must have supported it? Yes, some wealthy developers like this decision and yes, so do some greedy politicans who favor tax revenue over property rights. But, as a whole, I think that most Americans would be equally upset about this (if it ever were to make the news

This is one of those issues that should cross party lines and be worked on together by everyone. You know, like national security or illegal imigration.

BTW: The desenting viewpoint writen for this decision (I forget who wrote it) had some great points in it.