The menu for the visit to Meneer Pastoor on Friday 8th July is now available. To make it easy for the restaurant, we have a three course menu with three possible choices for each course. Please read through this menu and choose one (or none if you don't fancy it!) from each course. DON'T send me an email yet: make a note of your choice and when you receive your confirmation email, I will ask for your choices, for you and each member of your party.


- Carpaccio (thin sliced beef filet) with garnish
- Caesar salad with dressing
- Tomato soup

Main Course

- Spare Ribs (well, come on, what else did you expect? ) two flavours, spicy or BBQ
- Beef steak platter with vegetables
- Salmon filet with pasta, with pesto sauce


- Fruit salad
- Ice cream
- coffee

There may be a cheese platter also, but this hasn't been sorted out yet.

So think about your choices and get ready for the empeg uber ribs-feast!
One of the few remaining Mk1 owners... #00015