Andy is right!
I have a full Raptor 30 setup for sale at the moment, I also have a copy of RealFlight to train on.
I don't have a full spec list with me at the moment, but the basics are Futaba FF9, Futaba GY401 Gyro, Raptor 30 V2, OS 32 engine, top spec exhaust and full flight gear.
It's never had a major crash, just the one light touch, it's fully setup and with loads of spares, inc a full and unused crash kit.
The only reason I'm selling is that I don't have the time to fly anymore, I never got beyond a steady hover and moving it around. I'm open to offers, there must be well over £1000 worth of stuff if bought new (the FF9 is £600 I think).
Let me know if you are interested, it's a top setup!