Yeah, you've got it right. Although it's less X-Files in one way than you might think. It's more in how they have two investigators checking out odd occurences. The only problem with the show is that the pacing is frequently odd, even though it seems like (as Bitt has said before) it seems like they know where they're going with the show.
Ha, you know I didn't even see that other thread talking about favorite TV shows until I did a search based on that mention of Bitt's discussing it before. Figures, is there anything that hasn't already been discussed on these boards before?
Anyway, I just finished watching the first season of 4400 tonight and I am pretty hooked. Thanks, that is the second good television show I have discovered through this board. The other being Firefly, coincidentally another Bitt recomendation. Hey Bitt, if I give you the password to my MythTV web interface, can you just program it for me? 
Ninti - MK IIa 60GB Smoke, 30GB, 10GB