<rambling preamble> Driving home from work tonight, not in my Fearsome Five-speed Furious Five-cylinder, but in my sister's hefty-wagon. So, no empeg, combined with oddball underground music on the only radio station I ever listen to, forced me to the only *other* radio station I listen to: New Jersey's biggest talk radio station's evening rush hour guys. You can imagine how thrilling that is.

The rush hour guys played a bit of a song and were commenting how cool it was. Through the thick texture of hardcore speed industrial, I heard someone (something?) barking out the lyrics "...and what you think about his company is what you think about society...", quite possibly while the singer was choking himself.

<the actual question> So, what DO you get when you cross Rush with Marilyn Manson or Trent Reznor or Front Line Assembly? Has anyone heard this rework of "Tom Sawyer", and if so, who is the artist? Being a fan of Rush and a fan of (almost) all things techno, I'm actually interested in finding this track. Any ideas?
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set