They've just introduced "New York style" sub sandwiches in Sainsbury's (a UK supermarket), unfortunately they seem to be a normal baguette with a colourful wrapper, not quite the size I believe they usually serve in NY.
Hmm, subs are not one of those foods I associate with home (as with most "NY style" stuff - iced teas? ice cream? sodas? WTF? things done better elsewhere). Quite frankly, I'd kick that one off the list of things to try. Pizza, dirty water hot dogs (stop fearing disease and just get one, they're good), bagels. Then again, you can find plenty of brits in Pret, TGIFridays full of american tourists here (as well as americans in McDonalds in europe). I just don't get travelling so far then going out for something you can get at home. Then again, pletny of American tourists in movie theatres too (I thought BAtman played in Oklahoma too?)
If you want a good NYC sandwich, go to Katz's , far better than Carnegie (eh), or Second Ave (a bit better). Just remember, mayonaise or butter on pastrami or corned beef is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!!!! Food is usually better (and cheaper) in the outer boros, but getting to it by public transport is not always easy.
"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." -Susan B Anthony