I would like to be able to access my mp3s on the server from the EMPEG when i'm at home.

The Empeg Car player software depends on a very tightly-controlled set of files and database entries to manage its playlists and play songs. It also depends on being able to load those files into a proprietary caching system. It's entirely designed around all of those files being stored on its internal IDE hard drives. There's nothing in the player software that would allow it to include network-mapped drives in its song database.

So it would take a complete rewrite of the player software to be able to do what you're asking.

The good news is that the Rio/Empeg people have already designed another product (not the Empeg Car) which does this. It's called the Rio Receiver. It might be what you're looking for.

Right now, the Rio Receiver isn't on the market yet, but I believe Dell (or was it Compaq? I have a Lan-Party hangover and I'm not thinking clearly, I dont' remember) has a re-labeled version of this exact same product shipping now. Anyone have a link to the page where you can get this product?

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris