Personally, I'm inclined not to believe a word they say, so I'll wait and see. They could change their minds again in a week, a month, a year or whenever if they don't get what they want. And if that happens, they'll somehow manage to go back to violence in a way that lays the blame at everyone else but them. That's what happened when they ended their first "complete cessation" in 1996 by bombing Canary Wharf and effectively saying "The Brits made us do it"
I've known too many good people who were murdered over the years and seen too many towns bombed, and I don't see why anyone should be rewarded or applauded for deciding not to murder people anymore. Otherwise what's the point in living peacefully within the law? We practically have 'celebrity terrorists' in Northern Ireland, it's a joke! Unfortunately it's not a very funny one!
The whole thing with the bombs in London this month and politicians earnestly promising "never to give in to terrorists' demands" is just all too depressingly familiar. British Governments unfortunately seem to make a habit of giving in to terrorists' demands