According to law, he has every right to prosecute this case.
Yeah, but he doesn't HAVE to:
in some states, anything but missionary is prosecutable
Here's a case where people are "violating the law" all the time and no one does anything about it. Prosecutors can choose whether or not to pursue a case.

The bottom line is, who benefits from prosecuting this guy? The only answer I have is that it keeps from setting a bad precedent that people can avoid prosecution for sexually abusing minors by marrying them. But I'm not sure that this is a good enough reason to leave this child fatherless (for up to 50 years) in an already difficult situation. The question I can't answer: is this 22 year old man dedicated to his new family by getting married, or he merely trying to escape justice for sexually abusing a 13 year old girl? If it's the latter, go head and lock him for the next 50 years, but if it's the former, I think we need to be looking out for the child more than anyone else (and by child, I meant the newborn).
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.