I've just finished getting a new 80gb drive in my empeg and uploaded some tunes. I plugged it into my amplifier at home via the RCA outs on the back of the empeg, sounds and works beautifully.

This morning I slid it into my sled in the car, and got no sound. I tried just about everything. When I turn the volume to +8 overdrive, and the volume up in the car, I can hear it quaintly (albiet distorted as hell).

To eliminate the sled or the connection to my stereo in the car, I tried my backup empeg, and it worked fine. I opened up my empeg (no audio) and made sure all the wires were seated, and they were.

Any ideas? I'd post my boot log but there were no errors whatsoever, nor anything out of the ordinary, considering that it plays whilst connected to my home amplifier.

Running 2.0 release, with the newest hijack.

I looked through the FAQ, but that thing's search function isn't very concise.