get less junk mail

Credit cards:
I submitted a form to the three credit reporting agencies (TransUnion, Equifax, Cyberian<?>) freezing credit card offers for two years. The form was mailed to me by some agency, so there's a chance it wasn't legit and I gave all my personal information to some crook. Regardless, I get no more offers. It doesn't hurt that I called company that offered and asked to be removed from their mailing lists. Look on the credit agency websites for info on removal.

Call the catalogs and ask to be removed. 90% of them seem obligated to remove you from their list. Other catalogs are one-shot-deals from "leased lists", so you won't see them again.

Junk flyers, cupon books, and other trash:
Try filing to have your contact info removed from the Direct Marketing Association (DMA). They say it will take 3 to 6 months to remove you, with another 3 months for the junk to stop. I am on month number 8 and the junk seems slightly less, but I still get all the cupon crap. Of course, from their website, you can pay them to remove you quicker. The NERVE of those demons, taking your info from your mortgage company or credit card, then asking that you pay for your freedom... if it even works. Mailing the request may have never reached them, considering my first attempt got a "Return To Sender". Can you believe it! I sent a letter to the KINGS of the postal system, the ones with the tighest grasp on every mailbox in the nation, generating unspeakable volumes of dead-tree mail; and they couldn't receive my letter. I love how citizens are powerless against these massive organizations... unless you pay.

I did a whole rant about reducing junk mail somewhere else in Off Topic, but I can't find it now. Good luck.
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