On a Mac you should be able to convert a PodCast to MP3 in iTunes

Most of the podcasts I listen to are already MP3. I just don't see the sense in putting in a ton of effort behind converting and managing sometimes short 5 minute podcasts though. With the iPod + iTunes, they download and sync automatically. If I start listening on my computer or on the home stereo via an Airport Express, it then also syncs the time marker to the iPod. The iPod will also sync that time marker back.

Rio had all the needed bits to do some really cool stuff with music and other audio files with the Rio Car/Central/Receiver/Karma. They sadly chose to kill off three of those products though, and never market the fourth well. I'd love to have a setup where all my audio needs are met through a Central like device, including new mediums like podcasting. Then from the Central, it would keep things in sync with the Karma and Car, and the Receiver could allow me to listen to music in the bedroom. But alas...