3- what controls thumbnails in Windows

Good question. I'd look for some setting to make sure windows generates thumbnails. Some photo editing programs embed the thumbnails in the files, so they show up without windows having to generate them. This might be why some have thumbnails and some don't. Try switching to filmstrip view and back?

4- importing cell phones

Hmmm. They claim to have both a CDMA and a GSM version. Verizon is CDMA, so in theory it might work. I've heard the occasional tale of getting a non verizon phone activated on verizon, but not too many. You'll have much better luck with the GSM version. Unfortunatly, it looks like their GSM phone is going to come in two dual band varieties, so if you were going to switch to cingular, you'll still be pretty much out of luck unless cingular picks it up. You could order the Eruopean GSM phone and use it with tmobile, but if having your phone work indoors is important to you, that's not a great idea. It's a nice looking phone, I hope it has Edge.
