I feel so guilty for skipping out at halftime. I'm also a diehard Skins fan, but I'd set myself up for disappointment.

I'll just point out, though, that the losing streak isn't seven years. Before last night they were 1-15 against Dallas. I think they won once a couple years ago. Before that the last win against them was, I believe, the last game played in RFK Stadium, which I was at. That was a crazy game. Little did we know that we'd hardly ever beat them again. Grr.

So it looks like Brunell can actually throw. Or maybe it's because he has Moss to throw to. All I know is that one of my best friends is a Dallas fan, and I'm looking forward to gloating for the first time in a long time.

Oh, and I have to relay this story. I've been telling it for days now. This same friend of mine was born in Dallas, then moved to Europe when he was seven, so I say he's justified in being a Dallas fan (I know several who have never been to Texas). I took him to the Redskins v Dallas game last year, and he, being a very polite person, didn't want to make a scene or anything. He said that as a visiting fan, he didn't want to be obnoxious. So he came to the game in typical dress for him. He had on a tweed jacket and a nice hat.

So, sitting on the other side of me is this drunk, obnoxious Dallas fan. He's so incredibly obnoxious that at one point he goes to get more beer, and I see his girlfriend crying. Naturally he's wearing the jersey of whoever the hot player is that year, and I also find out that he's from Philadelphia and has never been to Texas. Typical.

So this guy finds out that my friend Tony is a Dallas fan. He says, in a loud-mouthed football fan sort of way:

Dallas fan: "so where's your colors, man? why aren't you yelling? You've gotta tell off these Skins fans, man! Where's your jersey?"
Tony: "I'm taking it easy tonight. I guess I'm dressed as Tom Landry"

Dallas fan: "who?"