Damn. No updates available through Dell and the memory seems to be okay. What gives?

I never trust a factory installation of Windows. I always... a) Make sure I've got drivers for the PC's motherboard, IDE controller, and perhipherals on a CD-R, then, b) Nuke and pave.

PC manufacturers put so much crap onto new PCs these days that you never know what the heck you're getting. The situation you describe is common with factory-imaged disk drives. I've found that the above is the only way to get a new PC running smoothly.

This, of course, is a pretty serious undertaking, and it's not for the faint of heart or the inexperienced....

Alternatively, you can SEND THE BLOODY THING BACK TO DELL. It's under warranty. Tell them to give you a new one where media player works.
Tony Fabris