So what do they look like under black light? Can you do actual colors or is it basically black and white?

There are colors available, but i'm going for the white ink, which usually is virtually indetectable under normal light on pale people. This willl be tested in an inconspicuous area before I go ahead and do my wrist. Photos are here. I'm looking to do something like the lizzard on the back of the hand thing.

Have you poked through coffee-table art books? Somewhere, somebody must have printed a Harring art book

Several Haring books are out there, I own a bunch. All the same damn angled photo. Which is really starting to tick me off, I figured this would be the easiest of his destroyed works to find a good photo of.

"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." -Susan B Anthony